9 - Outerspace does the work...

Now “no quantity of sizeless D0- points of nothing can ever add to a Đ1- unity of length”, this first discontinuity is a breach with the classic “concept of a continuum”, a discontinuity which is also valid for the second oerdimension Ð2 as unity of dynamics: “no quantity of sizeless moments can ever add to a Ð2- period of thime...
In other words, when the Nth- cycle of creation is terminated and the next period of thime starts, identified as the N+1th- period, “there is a geometric jump over a complex distance of twopir, 2 π. Ð1 in a sizeless moment of thime, away from Đ0, to the next origin ©N+1  lasting the whole N+1- period of Ð2- thime, defining & quantisizing the next XN+1 shell.
It is this unique, dynamic natural (counting) number N which defines & quantisizes size & age of the Zwelbol=Xphere and because all radial cylinders in the complex shell of this XNshell are geometrically “super-symmetric” to Ð0 as Oersprong ☼ of all, the inseparable relation with Ð2 as oerdimension of dynamics results in:


to Ð0 as Oersprong of the Universe at any moment of thime, showing “ ☼ “ as symbol.

This also means that after the Nth- period of Ð2- thime all content in the Zwelbol=Xphere has grown older with the same period of thime, just as the length of each Z- radial did increase with twopir...

As further consequence of the identification of Ð2 as oerdimension of dynamics, the period of thime is constant and never changing, hence the usual conclusions that Lorentz’ “imaginary making transformation-formula” shows how (classic) time is shrinking or stretching is based on wrong interpretations, which will be analysed in detail in Part II. This means that I - Figure 11a can now be completed:


Even when content in the complex cylinder is not fully defined & quantisized yet, the unambiguous conclusion is “that there are quite a lot of empty volumes, not only inside each cylinder but also in the space around them, hence there will also be quite a lot of empty volumes inside the Zwelbol=Xphere which makes any present definition of (specific) mass-density based on a static cube  useless...

And when this Nth-period is over, the cycle jumps in a sizeless moment between period N and N+1 over the radial distance of twopir, away from Ð0, lasting N+1- squared seconds.  

9.1 - Quantising the quantity of 1Z- radials at the moment of Beginning

The minimum possible quantity to start the process of creation commands two 1Z- radials,
being perfectly opposed to each other, their non-natural number zero, 0 being the centre of the innermost percx of the first two opposed cylinders, being Đ0... But that would discriminate all other cylinders of later generations for ever, hence the next possible arrangement would show four 1Z- radials in a flat D2- plane, their two directions being perpendicular for arguments of symmetry. This would result in a flat, “disk like” Zwelbol=Xphere which is not in agreement with cosmologic observations, but this possibility also presents another problem: a same start in Đ0 at the same moment would show four cylinders of this first generation which are intruding into each other, leading to unacceptable ambiguity, and lack of symmetry hence:

Axiom II -the integrity of the volume of each cylinder must be respected

When no intrusions of cylindrical volumes are allowed, the next possibility shows three perpendicular axes of six Z- radials: the inner percx of the six radial cylinders being the inscribed circles in each square of a cube, each circle touching four others. This would allow to quantisize the length of the radial of the circumscribing “Oersphere” of this cube, being R = Đ1. √ 2 . Although the length of the radial of this Oersphere is negligible in relation to the present size & age of the Zwelbol=Xphere, its size is important, because the curved, spherical surface of this Oersphere must lodge an even and whole number of Z- radials as well as the same quantity of flat, inner percx of all cylinders of the first generation, all circumferences being in touch with five other ones.

The present quantity of mass, matter etc. as observed by “COBE, COsmic Background Explorer” is “isotropic & homogeneous”: uniformly dispersed in the volume of the Zwelbol=Xphere. Did their first observations disclose a “equal” dispersion of “particles”, showing a surprisingly small deviation “calculated to be one part per thousand”, soon improved “to be one in a million”.
Now the start with nothing did show how Universe is a two-oneness and Outerspace contains no thing, this also means that there can be neither disturbance nor imperfection, just a “perfect balanced harmony// equality in all directions”.

Even when the precise geometric location of Đ0 is not known yet, the (perfect) isotropic dispersion of visible and invisible mass at large distance from Đ0 must show a growing number of new Z- radials of new generations, disclosing/ confirming  a quite trivial but most important law of nature:

Growth did not start in Đ0 as Oersprong ☼ of all, but only in each local deputy
           ©N during its period as complex centre of each radial cylinder, going “inside out”...


9.2 - The Oersphere is surrounding a dodecahedron to “protect” Đ0...
The next possible arrangement after six perpendicular 1Z- radials would show how the second generation of 2 Z- axes must be evenly spaced between each triple of perpendicular (orthogonal) 1Z- radials, resulting in 8 2 Z- axes at 45 degrees to the plane of each pair.
When Axiom II is respected, there is a new two-oneness offering two -and no more than two- possibilities for growth in radial directions:
-   new generations of evenly spaced x Z- radials can start as axes of a new boundless,
    unlimited and infinite long row of cylinders as soon as the increasing spherical D2-     
    surface around Đ0 allows “lodging new inner-percx”. This means that the first cylinder
    on each 2 Z- radial of the second generation, could start at a distance
    { (√ 2  + 1)  + π }. Đ1  to the Oersphere around Đ0.
    But this also is showing how the eight cylinders of the second generation along their
    2 Z- radials will have “their period of being complex” when the period in the six cylinders
    of the first generation along their 1Z- radials is not yet finished, resulting in a chaotic
    pattern of growth...
-   The other possibility must be in perfect opposition: not only showing a perfect super-
    symmetry in all directions and how new generations of x Z- radials can only start if &
there will be sufficient spherical surface to lodge all inner percx of all their
    cylinders in this XNshell, but also only starting when the previous period of Đ2- thime
    is completely finished...
In other words: 
            each next cycle starts in ©N as centre of each cylinder in the XNshell, when the
            last N-1 cycle is completed and all cylinders next in line, do have the same
            distance o Đ0 as Oersprong of all, during their Nth- period of being complex”...

This orderly “Grid of Growth” confirms not only a synchro-super-symmetry to Đ0 as Oersprong ☼ of all, but also the oerlaw of a continuing discontinuity or a discontinuing continuity.

But any circle in a flat D2- plane is surrounded by six others of the same size, which also means that their axes in the third direction are parallel... never sharing the same oersprong Đ0. This is only possible when the quantity of six is reduced to five (!)...arriving at the smallest possible Oersphere with 12 tangent D2- surfaces, lodging the 12 inner percx of 12 perfectly even spaced cylinders of the first generation.

This is a dodecahedron”, having 12 “faces” of “regular
”, each one based on five sides of equal length. Hence the central pentagon in the “upper” half is “surrounded” by five pentagons. And these six in the upper half are only perfectly opposed to the six in the lower half when these five lower pentagons including its bottom one are rotated over half a turn.

There is no longer a flat “plane of symmetry” but a sharply folded one of ten triangles, six in the front part shown by striped lines: when the bottom and top pentagons are horizontal, five radials are going
to the top of the five lowest pentagons + five radials going to the bottom of the five upper pentagons, all meeting each other in Ð0. The 12 1Z- radials of the “first generation” are now perfectly evenly spaced in Universe as axes of a boundless, unlimited and infinite row of cylinders, including all primes” ’), their 12 inner percx being at a distance of Ð1/ tang 36º = 1,376... Ð1 to Ð0, the Oersprong of all12  radials of the first generation.

     (Another possibility would allow 5 circles inside each triangle of each regular pentagon,
     arriving at 5 times 12 = 60 inner percx, but this solutions shows a-symmetrical open   
     spaces. Just as a combination of pentagons and hexagons of a ”BuckminsterFuller
     geodesic dome” offers no solution which satisfies all oerconditions).

Now the geometric centres of all cylinders of the first generation are identified by “ ©N=1 “, being complex during their period N = 1, there is a jump over a radial distance of twopir in a sizeless moment of Ð2- thime, away from Ð0, before the next period N = 2 begins when the next cycle is realized in each next cylinder ©N=2 in line, which also means:

              “that all previously created content in the Zwelbol-Xphere has grown older 
                                           with that very same
Ð2- period

In other words: “Ð2- thime is no longer relative but absolute”, actually being as un-imaginary as a D0- point of nothing has always been or Ð1 or a boundless, unlimited and infinite quantity. This also means that Ð2- thime is un-imaginary, being “invariant”, not subjected to Lorentz’ transformation formula, another confirmation that this formula is just an “(un-) imaginary making formula”, only valid for real mass or matter:

Only real mass or matter will become (un-)imaginary if & when its linear speed -in whatever direction- would exceed the (discontinuous) speed of the expanding Zwelbol-Xphere.

In other words: only humans can imagine that it would be possible to accelerate mass or matter to get such speed “that it could leave the Zwelbol-Xphere, penetrate the present Xplane and “disappear in the un-imaginary emptiness of Outerspace”. And because the “un-imaginary rest of the massless Z- radial is boundless, unlimited and infinite, just as its row of empty mathematical cylinders being the “womb in which each cycle of relation is going to be realized’, there is also a boundless, unlimited and infinite quantity of massless thime predicting an eternal, ever ongoing future being a “discontinuous continuity or -which is the same- an ever continuing discontinuity”. Each cycle results in the creation// generation // formation of the same unity of identical "some thing" out of no thing, hence the synchro-super-symmetry of the Grid of Growth has no realtion with the acronym “SUSY as used in the Standard Model.

But all open space// volume inside each complex cylinder in the XNshell and between them in the Grid of Growth shows also large open spaces & volumes which are not participating in the process of creation. This presents the need for a new elaborated computer program to get results which must match observed quantities.

The dynamics of this thin shell is identified by period N, showing from thime to thime an increasing quantity of radial cylinders and because the dodecahedron shows how each not-flat D2- plane which is passing Ð0 is a plane of symmetry, this quantity must be an “even whole natural (counting) number”. 

‘)  This quantisizes indeed a boundless, unlimited and infinite quantity of “primes”, being natural
     (counting) numbers which can’t be divided by any other lower n(c)n, since “dividing by one” is not
     a division but a confirmation of the identity of a dimension, characteristic, entity etc. etc. 


Now the Grid of Growth is based on just two oerdimensions and their unification as first foundation of the All UnifyingTheory of Nature, all is still based on nothing: an empty
Universe whereas you wholineness is the daily proof of a cycle of creation. Hence a first objective must be the development of 
new, elaborated computer programs based on Nature's oerconditions and its dynamic mathematics. When the first two oerdimensions  Ð1 and  Ð2 are quantisized and present data are purified, this allows the geometric location of Ð0 as very special D0- point of nothing.

