10 - Some laws of Nature must be purified too...

When Einstein was facing the problem “how to deal with an infinite large space”, his friend mathematician Besso directed him to “Non-Euclidean Geometry” as developed by G.F.B. Riemann [1826-1866 CE]. After his Phd in 1854 CE Riemann was obliged to earn his living by private teaching, hence he had to obtain a “Habilitation”, a license from his professor Gauss. Being highly interested in the theory of “heath transfer in solid bodies” published in 1822 CE by the French mathematician and physicist Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier [1768-1830CE], Riemann suggested three subjects which were all rejected by Gauss. SInce the British chemist Michael Faraday's discovery in 1831 CE to use iron filings to show hitherto invisible lines of magnetic flux, Gauss suggested the presidium of
the Göttingen University to appoint Wilhelm Weber as professor in physics, developing a magnetometer and establishing a European network of observatories and the first electro-telegraph to collect all data. But the mathematical part of Gauss did want to find new 
beta-formulas” and as geodesist he developed the idea 

      "to bend two straight parallel lines which are perpendicular to the equator
       share one point as “pole”, the circumference of the equator being regarded
       as “
infinite” length...

    (since it is hardly believable that Gauss as geometer did not realize that the length of any equator
     or circumference is
 2 π Rthe only explanation can be that Gauss was trying to relate the infinite
     length of imaginary lines of magnetism to the “infinite length” of the equator when the "infinite”
quantity of rotations around that circumference is denied & darkmooned...)

So Riemann was more or less obliged to develop what is known as “Non-Euclidean or elliptic geometry” described by Gullberg as “concept that space could be unbounded without being infinite” However, now the new Natural  Start of the Beginning has been made, this is just an impure use of alpha-language...
Based on the famous “transformation formula” of the Dutch scientist Hendrik Antoon Lorentz [1853-1928 CE]  and the conjecture of Poincaré, p
rofessor Hermann Minkowski [1864-1909 CE] of ETH- Zurich did even present “cones of space-time” and advised by his friend Besso, Einstein adopted Riemann’s work in his 1915CE' concept of “spacetime”,

                “glueing time to space of three dimensions as the fourth dimension.

Since “cones” were regarded as most simple example of Riemann’s “manifolds”, masses are said “to exist only within the space of a cone, limited by “straight lines of light”, the “top of the cone (or “null”-cone) being a sizeless “now” as separation between the cone of the past” and the “cone of the future” when the “world-line” of motion of the mass of a particle is defined, finally coming to the conclusion “that no signals can ever pass outside the cone of the future”, the consequence being that “real mass can have no “world line outside this cone”... all based on incorrect interpretations of Lorentz’ transformation formula...

But the new Start of the Beginning with no thing did show “how bending straight parallel lines by Gauss and Riemann indeed means a jump from the flat D2- plane of two paprallel lines into D3- space”, but only now you know 

why this lift in power must be the result of a “repeating multiplication in the third 
direction, subjected to the condition that "the base of each term is the same”...

And -as will be proven again in Part II- any other start of the Beginning does not bring access to the process of creation, only when the fundamental principle of a two-oneness is retrieved and respected ever since this start with nothing, the three mathematical operations and there independent conditions are not only leading to the restoration of the hitherto broken relation between Ð1 as oerdimension of geometrics and space + Ð2  as oerdimension of dynamics, this also identifies the two-oneness of the Universe and
Ð0 as Oersprong ☼ of all, the orderly Grid of Growth and its synchro-super-symmetry.

This makes Einstein’s statement incorrect “that space would be curved as result of the existence of mass or matter”, often showing a square “rubber sheet, its outer sides being
"fixed in space", white printed lines showing a metric of squares. When such sheet is going “to carry the mass of a solid sphere”, the white lines are showing their deflection and deformation...

It should be no surprise either that 2 years later, the Dutch mathematician, cosmologist, astronomer and physicist Willem de Sitter [1872-1924CE] did prove in 1917CE 

                       “that Einstein’s static space had to be expanding

but he wasn’t able to retrieve the process “how mass or matter would have been created” so his expanding Universe would remain empty... And when the total eclipse of the sun was observed by sir Arthur Eddington on the isle “Marguerite” in 1919CE and “rays of sunlight were observed to be bend by the mass of the moon and its gravity field”, this was
said “to be predicted by Einstein’s famous formula
E = M. c2, being regarded as ultimate proof, even when Einstein spend the rest of his life searching for the second term...
           (This deviation was calculated to be a minuscule 1,75 arcsecond, being 
           an angle with a base length of 3 kilometer and a height of 25 millimeter).

In 1927 the observed data collected by cosmologist Vesto Slipher did allow his collegue Edwin Hubble to arrive at “Hubble’s law of an expanding “Universe” in 1929CE.
Based on the classic “law of conservation of mass” as discovered by the French Antoine L. Lavoisier [1743-1794CE] and confirmed in chemistry ever since, the Belgian priest GeorgeLemaitre sj. of the Leuven’s Catholic University came in 1931 to the conclusion that
                                “Universe had been smaller in the past

As consequence of Lavoisier’s law of conservation of mass all presently observed// calculated mass and matter “had to be compressed in an extreme small volume” like a cosmic egg”, reduced to a nearly sizeless “singularity”, resulting in an incredible high
specific density” of 10+ 40 kilo per cubic centimetre or even more...
So Einstein’s formula E = M. c 2  would show how this singularity would represent an “incredible high energy and hence an incredible high temperature. 

In the sixties of last century the theory of this “un-imaginary explosion” of the beginning became globally popular when the name “Big Bang” was coined by the British cosmologist Hoyle, calculations showing how “fortunately” the expansion of this singularity during the first 10 — 40 second would cause such rapid decrease of temperature of this superhot
oer-soup”, allowing “condensation” of hydrogen H and helium He as basic elements in chemistry, “accounting for 95-96% of all observed mass”... of course based on classic volumes of static cubes... 

When Einstein -as reaction on the “un-certainty theory” of Werner Heisenberg- stated that he refused to believe “that God did throw dices when he created the world”, he also came to the conclusion that his own idea of a “constant Universe was the biggest blunder of his life”, spending the rest of his life to search the missing second term... 

According to the “Standard Model” which is generally accepted in science, its major characteristics shows a “too low density” and hence a large quantity of “missing mass and matter” and the existence of dark matter can’t be explained neither, reason for
CMI- Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge Mass. USA selected as one of their “seven Million Dollar Millennium Prize Problems”... its solution only being accessible when the whole cycle of creation is identified & quantisized in Part II.